Warm, dry weather combined with winds creates fire weather

by Sean Dugan Special contributor

An anomalously warm and dry period with multiple fire weather triggers is forecast through this outlook and beyond. An active period of high wildfire occurrence is expected nearly statewide through the middle of next week as fuel dryness continues to build. Increasing fuel dryness is expected to increase the probability of large fires with high resistance to control, including in Central and East Texas pine timber fuels. As these dry and windy conditions are anticipated to increase as we move forward into the weekend, we ask that you consider the following wildfire prevention tips:
1. Notify authorities as soon as you see smoke or fire so responders can arrive on scene as soon as possible.
2. Avoid burning on dry windy days
3. Avoid activities with open flames or sparks
4. If mowing or shredding, avoid contact with rocks or metal objects that could create a spark
Additional details are posted in the Texas Fire Potential Update at:https://bit.ly/TexasFirePotentialUpdate
Please stay current with Texas fuels/fire danger products at  https://ticc.tamu.edu/PredictiveServices/default.aspx  and local your fire weather forecast at https://www.weather.gov/srh/

Sean Dugan is the Wildland Urban Interface Coordinator for the East Branch of the TAMU Forest Service’s Incident Response division, and is based out of Henderson.