Jacksonville city leaders to mull ordering special May 3 election
JACKSONVILLE – A special May 3, 2025, election to create a Municipal Development District – which also calls for authorization of an additional sales tax to fund projects that benefit the district – is among the agenda items for discussion at a 6 p.m. Jacksonville City Council meeting planned Tuesday, Feb. 11, at city hall, 315 S. Ragsdale.
According to a council agenda packet, boundaries of the proposed Municipal Development District "shall include all of the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Jacksonville and outside the City Limits of Jacksonville, Texas."
The proposed sales tax is a rate of one-half of one percent, according to packet information
At this time, the special election – if approved – will be the sole item on the ballot for the city, as there are no council positions up for election in 2025.
According to a council agenda packet, boundaries of the proposed Municipal Development District "shall include all of the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Jacksonville and outside the City Limits of Jacksonville, Texas."
The proposed sales tax is a rate of one-half of one percent, according to packet information
At this time, the special election – if approved – will be the sole item on the ballot for the city, as there are no council positions up for election in 2025.
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