County Roads Rescue

by Dava Cooly Cook

We desperately need some volunteers! OR to get several of our dogs and puppies out to foster.
This has been the longest period of us being short handed that we’ve ever experienced, combined with the slowest time we’ve ever experienced for transports, adoptions and fosters. Historically, there are months that are better than others but we are starting on our third month of working shifts 2-3 people short with 20-30 animals more than what we usually would have, who have been here for longer than normal. 
It’s draining all of us. 
We have 4 full time staff members who are carrying the work load. We can’t afford to hire anymore people and we already get grief for having employees to start with. 
We’re working 12 hour days, sometimes 9-10 days at a time with no breaks. There are only 2 of us who handle the administrative work like answering calls, managing paperwork, vet visits, transports, adoptions, social media etc these are the things that are much harder to train people on and take time finding the right people for, so asking for kennel help is the easiest option. We also are (for the most part) our own mechanics for the rescue vehicles, and our own handy men. We do multiple different jobs on a daily basis and when the only thing we can get to is kennel work, everything else gets put on the back burner and creates a domino effect. 
We’re to a point where we’re going to have to make some difficult decisions soon. Some of us are having medical issues and putting off our own personal health care because we can’t get time away from the rescue. 
We are burning out.
We need volunteers to help with cleaning, dog walks and cat kennels.
please, please consider volunteering! If we could get 30 people willing to commit to one day a month we could have more time for focusing on management and honestly surviving our own lives so that we can continue to do this job! This is a labor intensive job when you’re doing it every day of the week and it takes its toll but when the work load is shared it’s so much easier for everyone including the animals.