Cherokee County Jr. Livestock Recap

by John (Robinhawk) Hawkins

Jr. Livestock Show Recap

By John (Robinhawk) Hawkins

For everyone who participated in the 74th Annual Cherokee County Jr. Livestock show, held March 29-April 1, 2023, you should be proud of all the young people who gave their all to make this year’s event happen. The hard work these kids put forth definitely paid off whether they won or not. I was so impressed by how even the youngest showed maturity way beyond their years. Everyone I met displayed manners, respect and demonstrated they were well aware of the responsibility it took to raise and care for their projects.
I doubt any of them could have succeeded without the support of their parents and family that helped and encouraged them on their journey.

For the students who displayed in the Ad Mech portion of this last weekend’s show, the skill, patience and craftsmanship it took for them to construct their ag/shop project that they worked on was remarkable for such young people.
Having watched some of the “kids” over the last several years at the show, I take solace in knowing the kind of adults they will become and I think we can have pride in the fact that they did a good job.

I also have to commend the hard work all the volunteers did to make this year’s show possible. Watching them judge, sweep, move bleachers, run tractors, cook, serve, clean and the myriad of other necessary chores, all for the sake of the show and the kids, was almost mind boggling.

We can’t forget all the sponsors that contribute financially to support the show and the kids year after year. As business leaders, they understand it’s an important investment in our future. Be sure you patronize, shop or do business with any of them and mention how you appreciate their contribution to the Cherokee County Jr. Livestock show.

Finally, in order for any of us in the media to cover this year after year, it’s a huge undertaking and expense to make this Jr. Livestock edition possible. Thanks to everyone who took time away from other duties and to the advertisers who lend their support to this undertaking. As challenging as it was at times, we are proud to be able to bring this special edition to you as we publicize the positive and good in Cherokee County. A special thanks to Megan Dunn Photography, Becky Wisenant, Cheryl Ivie, Jo Anne Embleton, Penny Hawkins, Linette Morton and Bart Bauer for supplying their time and talents to make this happen.

It has taken an unimaginable amount of people, adults, young people and volunteers to make this 74th Annual Cherokee County Livestock Show the success it was and it was just that: A success!